Anxiety can be a major trigger for back pain. I know this from experience. After injuring my back as a dancer when I was only 19, I explored all kinds of things to help me feel better. I went to doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, and therapeutic massage therapists who specialized in back pain. They offered me temporary relief with their treatments, but not one of them ever mentioned the mental and emotional triggers that cause back pain. Back pain is not only a physical problem, and I had to discover that myself.
I would refer to my back pain as “episodes” and at first I thought there was no rhyme or reason for them. They were debilitating. To me, it was a curse that loomed in the back of my mind waiting to pop out at any unfortunate time. My intuition finally kicked in which led me to hold my own research study.
I’m not the only subject in my study. Many of my students complain about their own back pain episodes. They also tell me stories about their current lives and the anxiety they’re experiencing. Please believe me when I tell you that if you are susceptible to back pain, anxiety is going to trigger it.
The good news is that keeping your spine moving and your back strong creates a win-win situation! You will feel less back pain and more calm if you make back care a regular practice. You can reduce back pain with a calmer nervous system and you can reduce anxiety through back care.
Moving the spine all ways each and every day calms down the nervous system naturally. There are 6 movements of the spine and 7 positions of the spine. The movements are: forward, backward, side-bend right, side-bend left, twist right, and twist left. The positions are: forward bend, backward bend, side-bend right, side-bend left, twist right, twist left, and lengthened (as in a flat back or sitting tall).
Asana Yoga works for the back the way Face Yoga works for the mind. When the spine and face are freely moving and loose, the mind and thoughts get calm.
Trust me, you will feel better if you do this. I don’t experience episodes anymore. When I do feel back pain, I get on my mat and focus on my spine more regularly and it fades away. You can also move your spine on your bed, chair, couch, floor, or even standing. Move it in big or small ways, but just please do it!
Joseph Pilates is believed to have said that you’re only as young as your spine is flexible. I say you’re only as calm as your spine is flexible. Creating flexibility in the spine can prevent and relieve anxiety and help you live a more peaceful life.
This class, Six Movements of the Spine, offers some wonderful ways to get your spine moving.