Calming Mantras for Anxiety

Calming mantras for anxiety do work. I can say this with complete confidence because I was a total skeptic. Now the practice of repeating mantras has changed my life.

At first, yoga poses and meditation felt a lot more natural to me than chanting mantras. I felt safe and snug on my mat just doing my thing in class. Adding chanting out loud in Sanskrit made me feel dorky. I didn’t see how it would help me find peace and calm.

I’m fortunate to have had yoga teachers who helped me feel more comfortable. They would bring us a piece of paper with the chants written and translated so we could read along. It really helped to know what I was actually saying. It also helped that these teachers had beautiful voices and it was relaxing just to sit and listen. 


My favorite Sanskrit mantra is Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. It basically means that you believe in yourself as your own teacher and you are grateful for your own wisdom. I also love Sa Ta Na Ma. I do this one while tapping my thumbs on each of my other fingers with each sound. The sounds in this chant represent birth, life, death, and rebirth. It’s about honoring your own true essence and that you exist beyond living on this Earth.

You definitely don’t have to chant in Sanskrit to calm yourself and feel less anxiety. My very favorite mantra is inspired by the book The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. It goes like this: I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. I do this one a lot when I’m walking either out loud or in my head. For each step, I say a different word. I’ve done it so much that it’s become a default in my brain when I feel a sudden rush of anxiety.


Chanting is a very personal thing for me and I don’t typically lead them in classes I teach. It’s probably because I’m not confident with my singing voice and leading others doesn’t feel authentic. And that’s okay. When I’m alone, calming mantras for anxiety help me regulate and feel soothed. The vibration of the sounds throughout my body takes me to a place like no other. 

It’s about making it feel right for you. If my favorites aren’t resonating with you, create your own mantra. Say what you want to say and find what helps you feel better. You can substitute words in The Master Key or Sa Ta Na Ma. Or do some research and find other soothing Sanskrit mantras. Having this tool in your box could be a game-changer for you like it has been for me.